I´ve been following the American mid-term elections and with every day I feel a bit more enraged. As a European you get no chance to participate, little chance to vent your frustrations, and yet what wind blows from America effects the temperature world over.
This video blog by Michael Tomasky (The Guardian) really brings home how disturbing things have become:
A recent poll showed that 18% of Republicans in New Jersey believe that Obama is the Anti-Christ, while 17% voted not sure.
Today partisan politics is in danger of tearing apart America. If ever there was a time
in American history when people across the political divide need to rally, to come
together, it is now. Instead the right wing press has created an us vs them culture.
It is a black hole which threatens to derail not only the American project - but has ramifications for the rest of the world.
Modern Republicans have sacrificed their own dignity, honor and even policy - in a desperate bid to return to power. At a time when modern politics needed to rally around the President - like Roosevelt in the 30´s - they have failed.
Perhaps the man who puts country above politics is a thing of the past?
It is just not acceptable. Our times require more spirit, more courage, not less.
To believe in hope requires courage. To effect change requires commitment. To stand up against the sweeping tide of things takes character.
It requires steadfastness when times are tough, something which goes back to the heart of the American project.
Personally, I am concerned that the landslide of propaganda, bullshit, racism, political double speak & hate will lead to Sarah Palin being voted into power. As far as I am concerned that is many times worse that a new Bush administration.
I believe that if Palin wins the presidency the dark age everyone is terrified of will sink its claws into our modern history.
We are too far down the line in terms of peak oil, environmental chaos, Iran, Israel, the dialogue with the Muslim community & the clash of civilization to step backwards a generation. There is too much at stake to take political sabbatical at this stage.
Remember the fervor that swept Obama into power? It was not based just on hope, but on the prescient need for action - for change. Action on the economy, action tackling the international banking system, action for the climate, action for dialogue with the Muslim community amongst many others...
How fickle is human memory. How easy our convictions take flight when challenged.
Is it a consequence of modern media & our inability to concentrate on any one thing that leads to a lack of substance, a lack of conviction - or the old fashioned fire which keeps a man standing by his cause because he dam well believes in it?
I think our whole culture needs a steady boot up its ass. Roll the sleeves up because there is work to be done brother. It is not good enough to be too distracted not to believe in anything anymore - the stakes are too dam high. We cannot hold back on action for the climate - politically and personally - and we cannot stand by and watch Sarah Palin or some other Bush clone come into power.
The question is, what am I willing to do? Am I willing to play my part? It is not about preaching, and it is not about righteousness, it is not about podium fist banging, arm-chair politics or scratching chins. It is about what we do in our own lives - how we are willing to effect the great debate. Are we playing our part? Are we doing our little to effect change? The problems are too deep set to need discussion. If you cannot feel the problems facing humanity - and our humanity - then you got to get out of your cotton wool brother.
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